Thursday, November 3, 2011


Here's the Vitals:

2nd Annual Los Angeles Cheapskate Half Marathon and Food Drive

WHERE: TBA - Most likley we'll start in Griffith Park (the Ferndell entrance, just off of Western). I'll post the more specific route soon. If I can find a different, comparable route that is easy for people to follow and without a lot of traffic stops, I'll send that to you STAT.

WHEN: Saturday, December 10th @ 8am

DISTANCE: 13.1 Miles


1. As it's a cheapskate half, the admission cost is a minimum of one non-perishable food item (preferably one that you already have in your cabinet) for the food drive. You are welcome to bring more if you'd like, but admission is only one per person. I have a charity lined up. It's a homeless shelter for kids in Santa Monica. I'll have more info on that as soon as I remember to email the woman.

2. Regardless of where we run, there will be two water stops (mostly likely set up by my awesome girl friend who's willing to sit around and wait for people to run by). Last year, it worked out just fine that people brought water in their own bottles, and we threw it in a cooler and had Jennice pour it into paper cups at the water stops. If you'd prefer mini water bottles to carry with you, feel free to bring them along. We can throw them in the cooler and hand them to you at the stations if you'd like.

3. Attire - YOUR NUMBER IS CHOSEN BY YOU. Please EMAIL me whatever number you think is good, lucky, funny, etc... It'll be a confirmation that you're running. (Obviously, as there's no fee, not showing up will only mean that I'll shame you for at least a week, and mostly silently). Last year someone went as Pi. Very nice. Other people just like to wear old racing numbers. That works too. If you DON'T use an old racing number, please make sure to attach a number to your body somewhere. This is mostly to add some class to the race. HOWEVER, attach that number however you'd like. Last year, I believe Matt Farmer wrote his number on cardboard and wrapped it around his waist with twine. Perfect. I wrote mine onto my shirt. Maybe less original, but also effective.

4. Somewhere on the shirt, shorts, or pants you're running in, it must say CHEAPSKATE HALF MARATHON. It can be attached with tape, or written directly onto an old shirt that you'll wear proudly once the race is over. People should know that we mean business if they see us running by.

5. Most importantly - this is for fun, though competitiveness is certainly welcomed. Mostly, for any newcomers, know that this is unofficial and in no way supported or acknowledged by the city of los angeles. We run at our own risk and no one is held responsible for any injuries sustained during the run. That is, of course, unless I'm super clumsy and trip someone. Totally my fault. I'll apologize.

We gather, we run, we celebrate each other and the spirit of bettering our selves and our surroundings, and we donate some food.

I'll also likely be planning some spot to gather afterwards. The bees at the waffle stand were just too much last year...

PLEASE email me if you have any questions. PLEASE CONFIRM with me through email if you are pretty sure you're coming. I need to have an idea of how many people are coming.

All other messages or posts will be much shorter than this one - small updates as the race approaches. See you all soon!

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